Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 19 pp 10705—10731

Targeting circular RNA-Glra2 alleviates retinal neurodegeneration induced by ocular hypertension


Figure 1. Identification of differentially expressed circRNAs during retinal neurodegeneration induced by ocular hypertension. (A) Retinal neurodegeneration was induced via anterior chamber injections of microbeads. The experimental group received anterior chamber injections of microbeads suspension to induce ocular hypertension, while the control group received anterior chamber injections of the same volume of saline suspension. Another injection of microbeads or saline solution was conducted 4-weeks after the initial injection. IOP levels in PBS buffer-injected retinas (Saline eyes) and microbeads-injected retinas (injected eyes) were shown (n = 5 animals; *P < 0.05 vs. saline-injected retinas; Student t test). (B) Box plot was used to show the scale and expression distribution of circRNAs across different samples, which contained the boxes with a central line and two tails. The central line was data median and the tails were the upper and lower quartiles. (C) Volcano plots were plotted to show the differentially expressed circRNAs between microbeads-injected retinas and saline-injected retinas. (D) The heatmaps were generated via hierarchical cluster analysis to display the top 10 up-regulated and top 10 down-regulated circRNAs between microbeads-injected retinas and saline-injected retinas.