Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 16 pp 8185—8203

Construction of stemness gene score by bulk and single-cell transcriptome to characterize the prognosis of breast cancer


Figure 5. (A) Cluster analysis and dimension reduction used non-linear dimensional reduction (t-SNE) in breast cancer scRNA-seq. (B) Bar graph of patient proportion (SGS high/SGS low) with different immunohistochemical typing. (C) Boxplot showing distribution of SGS among different IHC typing. (D) KM curves of top6 differential genes for high and low SGS groups of the SCAN-B cohort. (E) Number of intercellular interactions for high and low SGS groups in breast cancer scRNA-seq. (F) A landscape plot of intercellular interactions strengths differences compared SGS high group to SGS low group. Red represents positive correlation and blue represents negative correlation. The thickness of the lines represents the degree of difference. (G) Bar plot of overall information flow of some signaling pathway between high and low SGS group. (H) Scatter plot of M1 and M2 signature gene score of per macrophage in SGS high and low patients. Black lines indicate median scores of characteristic genes.