Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 16 pp 8325—8344

Construction and validation of cuproptosis-related lncRNA prediction signature for bladder cancer and immune infiltration analysis


Figure 4. Unsupervised consensus clustering of 16 prognostic cuproptosis-related lncRNA (CRLs) in BC. (A) Consensus matrix that divides BC cases into two clusters (k=2). (B) Cumulative distribution function (CDF) curves for k = 2–9. (C) Kaplan Meier analysis for BC patients in two clusters. (D) PCA showed the difference in distribution between the two clusters. (E) The distribution of clinical features and expression of 16 CRLs between two clusters. (F) No differential expression was observed for PD-L1 between BC and normal tissues. (G) PD-L1 upregulation in cluster1. (H) The correlation of PD-L1 with CRLs. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, ns: no significant.