Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 17 pp 8782—8799

Integrative analyses reveal biological function and prognostic role of m7G methylation regulators in high-grade glioma


Figure 5. Development and validation of m7G regulator-based prognostic signatures. (A) Forest plot of univariate cox regression in CGGA. (B, C) Parameter selection tuning by cross-validation using LASSO regression. (D, E) Kaplan-Meier curves of risk groups and distribution of risk score and patients in CGGA. (F) Display of two components by PCA in CGGA. (G) Kaplan-Meier curves of two risk groups and distribution of risk score and patients in TCGA. (H, I) Display of two components by PCA in TCGA. (J, K) GO and KEGG enrichment analyses based on 440 DEGs between high- and low-risk groups.