Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14930—14944

LncRNA HAGLROS contribute to papillary thyroid cancer progression by modulating miR-206/HMGA2 expression


Figure 4. LncRNA HAGLROS rescues the effects of miR-206 on PTC cells. (A) miR-206 is down-regulated in PTC tissue. (B) miR-206 expression in PTC cell lines is lower than normal cells. (C) Dual luciferase assay showed that the expression level of miR-206 in HAGLROS-WT was lower than that of HAGLROS-MUT. The NC group was treated with PBS and the mimic control group was treated with nonsense sequence as the control group of mimics. (D) Negative correlation between HAGLROS and miR-206. (E) miR-206 inhibited proliferation of PTC cells and shHAGLROS+ miR-206 weakened the suppression. (F) miR-206 promotes apoptosis of PTC cells and shHAGLROS+ miR-206 weakened the promotion. (G) miR-206 inhibits cell invasion and shHAGLROS+ miR-206 weakened the suppression.