Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14957—14984

A novel oxidative stress-related gene signature as an indicator of prognosis and immunotherapy responses in HNSCC


Figure 6. Prognostic significance of SPINK6 protein expression in nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. (AD) Representative photomicrographs of SPINK6 protein expression by IHC magnified 200 times under a light microscope. (A) Staining intensity of SPINK6 protein was negative (0). (B) Staining intensity of SPINK6 protein was weak (1+). (C) Staining intensity of SPINK6 protein was moderate (2+). (D) Staining intensity of SPINK6 protein was strong (3+). (E) Comparison of high and low SPINK6 IHC Score groups in validation cohort. (F) KM survival curves of high and low SPINK6 IHC Score groups in validation cohort.