Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 4 pp 3934—3954

Functional enrichment analysis reveals the involvement of DARS2 in multiple biological pathways and its potential as a therapeutic target in esophageal carcinoma


Figure 7. Correlation between DARS2 expression and m6A modification in ESCA. (A) GEPIA online database analysis revealed that DARS2 expression was significantly positively correlated with m6A signatures in ESCA. (B) The association between DARS2 expression and the expression of m6A-related genes in the TCGA ESCA and GSE45670 datasets. (C, D) The differential expression of 20 m6A-related genes between the high and low DARS2 expression groups in the TCGA ESCA and GSE45670 datasets. (E, F) The differential expression of 20 m6A-related genes between tumor and normal groups in the TCGA ESCA and GSE45670 datasets. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ns, no significance.